Caught on Camera: Part One

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When Reece Carter is caught on camera canoodling with hunky gardener Cade Davenport, a new, super-sexy opportunity presents itself that he just can’t walk away from. Reece Carter is sweating in the dirt and feeling the heat. It’s a scorching hot day and he’s slaving away indoors. But at least he has a nice view from the window—sexy gardener Cade Davenport—no job too big or too small—who is mowing the lawn minus his shirt. Soon thirst overcomes Reece and he finds himself swimming, kissing and getting frisky in the hot tub with the super-confident, seize-the-moment Cade, whose wit, humor and cocky smile is irresistible. What Reece doesn’t know is that the walls have ears and the trees have eyes. His every moan, gasp and erotic move is being recorded in fine and shocking detail. But what does that mean? And what about the intriguing offer Cade puts to him? Shouldn’t he just punch his lights out for filming him without permission? And will Reece’s life ever be the same again after being caught on camera?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:51 Seiten
Verlag:Totally Bound Publishing

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