Far From True (Promise Falls Trilogy)

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New York Times and #1 international bestselling author Linwood Barclay delivers the second spine-chilling thriller in the Promise Falls trilogy. When private investigator Cal Weaver looks into a break-in at the home of a recently deceased man, he uncovers far more than he is prepared for after he finds a hidden room that was used for salacious activities. Perhaps something illegal...  Detective Barry Duckworth is doggedly trying to solve two murders, one of which is three years old. He believes the killings are connected, since each featured a similar distinctive wound. And the key to his mystery may lie with Cal Weaver’s own case.  As the lies begin to unravel, and another murder occurs, Cal and Barry find themselves headed straight into the heart of dark secrets as they uncover more startling truths about Promise Falls...


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:544 Seiten

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