The Curse of Chalion
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Slow-paced in the best way, explorative both in character development and story, and with wonderful not-stupid, adult main characters.
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Tolle Geschichte in einer epischen Welt - absolut lesenswert!
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A former courtier and soldier, Cazaril has survived indignity and horrific torture as a slave aboard an enemy galley. Now he seeks nothing more than a menial job in the kitchens.But the gods have greater plans for this humbled man. Welcomed warmly, clothed and fed, he is named, to his great surprise, secretary-tutor to the Royesse Iselle - the beautiful, strong-willed sister of the impetuous boy who is destined to be the next ruler of the land. But the assignment must ultimately carry Cazaril to the one place he fears even more than the sea: to the royal court of Cardegoss, rife with intrigues and lethal treacheries.Cazaril must make his way through the intricate, treacherous dance of political intrigue - where his enemies have not forgotten his past - and love, when he falls for the beautiful and courageous Lady Betriz.But a curse is decimating the royal family. And, Cazaril is the only one who can prevent insidious evil from destroying the kingdom and everyone he loves.
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Umfang:512 Seiten