Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

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She was supposed to keep him out of trouble ... When Shelby Roberts is forced to resign from the police, the only work she can get is as a ‘minder’ to movie star Luke McFadden. Still, spending three weeks on location in the historic city of Bath doesn’t sound too bad. After all, how much trouble can one actor get into? Why Do Fools Fall In Love is a romantic comedy with a little bit of mystery and suspense OTHER BOOKS BY LOUISE MARLEY: Why Do Fools Fall in Love? (ASIN: B005IXSU1U) Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (ASIN: B005WOE91K) A Girl’s Best Friend (ASIN: B0084OBNSC) Breathless (ASIN: B00A9GHS5A) Nemesis (ASIN: B00ECGPUF8) ANTHOLOGY: Sunlounger - Belinda Jones Travel Club (An Indecent Proposal) (ASIN: B00DP3R99Y) ** There is another author with the same name - please don’t get us mixed up! **


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Umfang:305 Seiten

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