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Dive into the captivating world of human behavior with "Psychology," an engaging exploration. Uncover the historical evolution, diverse branches, and fundamental principles of this dynamic discipline. Trace the fascinating journey of psychology from its origins to contemporary applications. This accessible guide introduces core concepts and influential figures, offering a concise overview of clinical, cognitive, and behavioral psychology. Key Features: Foundational Knowledge: Ideal for students and curious minds, providing a solid understanding of key psychological concepts. Historical Context: Explore pivotal moments that shaped psychology's evolution into a dynamic field. Branches and Schools of Thought: Navigate diverse psychological perspectives, from Freudian psychoanalysis to contemporary approaches. Practical Applications: Discover real-world applications, enhancing your ability to understand human behavior. Accessible Writing: Clear and concise language ensures comprehension for readers of all backgrounds. Whether you're a student or a curious reader, "Psychology" is your comprehensive guide to the complexities of the mind. Unveil the mysteries of human behavior, gaining insights that resonate long after the final page.


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Umfang:184 Seiten

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