Beast of Rosemead: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (Fairytales of Folkshore Book 4) (English Edition)

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For fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses, comes the highly anticipated new installment in the #1 bestselling Fairytales of Folkshore series!


Bonnie Fairborn’s wish to escape her small-town life for one of adventure is granted in the worst way when she’s flung along with her family into the unknown. The nightmare deepens when she wakes up to find her best friend Ada gone and her father offered as a sacrifice to the terrifying Beast of Rosemead.

After trading her life for his, her bid for escape ends in a lethal brush with fairies. When the beast almost dies to save her, she discovers he is the missing Crown Prince of Arbore, and the victim of a vindictive fairy’s curse. With time to undo it running out, he and his monstrous staff believe she’s the only one who can save them all.

But how can she fall in love with the gruff and mysterious Leander, let alone to a deadline? And would that be enough to break the curse? Especially now she’s discovering that nothing, including her own life, is what it seems?

This is book 1 of 2 of the Rosemead duology.

With thousands of copies sold and millions of pages read, Fairytales of Folkshore is a series of interconnected fairytale retellings. Bonnie’s story continues with BEAUTY OF ROSEMEAD.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:336 Seiten
Verlag:Folkshore Press

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