A Yellow Butterfly on an Elephant's FootA love affair with Namibia
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Have you ever dreamed of climbing into a Land Rover Defender, with the Love of your Life, and heading into one of the most excruciatingly beautiful wilderness areas left on this planet? Camping wild, with not another living soul for miles around?
If you find this idea enticing, pour yourself a glass of wine, settle comfortably in your favourite armchair and join Lydia and Anthon in Henry, their old Landie. You will accompany them on one of their journeys through Kaokokoland, the North Western corner of Namibia in Southern Africa.
You will visit thundering waterfalls and drive through endless desert landscapes, chat to Queen Elizabeth of Opuwo, encounter a polar bear in the Skeleton Coast, kiss a crocodile and much, much more.
Structured around one of their many trips into the Namibian wilderness, the book combines anecdotes from Anthon’s medical practice, Lydia’s work as architect, stories from Anthon’s childhood and life in Namibia. Embellished with descriptions of the sensational landscapes they drive through, the book is also filled with travel tips and fun-facts about the wild animals and unique plants and trees they encounter along the way. Lydia introduces you to real Namibians and their lives and allow them to tell the reader a few stories of their own.
At times hilarious, at times achingly melancholic, you will end this journey thirsting for more. Perhaps it will inspire you to plan an expedition of your own. Or simply wait for Lydia’s next instalment.
This edition includes a map of Namibia, highlighting the main places mentioned in the book, as well as an illustrated map of their route through Kaokoveld.
Quirky thumbnail illustrations by artist Nicola Fouché bring chapter headings to life.
If you find this idea enticing, pour yourself a glass of wine, settle comfortably in your favourite armchair and join Lydia and Anthon in Henry, their old Landie. You will accompany them on one of their journeys through Kaokokoland, the North Western corner of Namibia in Southern Africa.
You will visit thundering waterfalls and drive through endless desert landscapes, chat to Queen Elizabeth of Opuwo, encounter a polar bear in the Skeleton Coast, kiss a crocodile and much, much more.
Structured around one of their many trips into the Namibian wilderness, the book combines anecdotes from Anthon’s medical practice, Lydia’s work as architect, stories from Anthon’s childhood and life in Namibia. Embellished with descriptions of the sensational landscapes they drive through, the book is also filled with travel tips and fun-facts about the wild animals and unique plants and trees they encounter along the way. Lydia introduces you to real Namibians and their lives and allow them to tell the reader a few stories of their own.
At times hilarious, at times achingly melancholic, you will end this journey thirsting for more. Perhaps it will inspire you to plan an expedition of your own. Or simply wait for Lydia’s next instalment.
This edition includes a map of Namibia, highlighting the main places mentioned in the book, as well as an illustrated map of their route through Kaokoveld.
Quirky thumbnail illustrations by artist Nicola Fouché bring chapter headings to life.