Outsystem: An Aeon 14 Novel (The Intrepid Saga)

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In 4123, the greatest colony ship ever built is leaving the Sol System, and Major Tanis Richards has secured a berth. Demoted by the military and hung out to dry, the media calls her the Butcher of Toro. However, despite her soiled record, Tanis still one of the best military counterinsurgency officers in the Terran Space Force. The backers of the colony mission need her to stop the terrorists trying to destroy the GSS Intrepid, while in the final phases of construction at the Mars Outer Shipyards. Getting the job done will be her ticket out of the Sol system, but Tanis discovers she is up against more than mercenaries and assassins. Major corporations and governments have a vested interest in ensuring the Intrepid never leaves Sol, ultimately pitting Tanis against factions inside her own military. With few friends left, Tanis will need to fight for her life to get outsystem. M. D. Cooper is a New York Times bestselling author who has envisioned a rich future for humanity, one where planet-sized megastructures house trillions of humans, but traveling between the stars still takes decades, or even centuries. Fans of Ringworld, Honor Harrington, The Expanse, or Elizabeth Moon's Vatta's War will feel right at home in this, the first book of the Intrepid Saga, and the opening to the world of Aeon 14. Over the course of the next few years, M. D. Cooper plans to release an additional twenty-two books in this expanding universe. sp get on board the Intrepid with Tanis and see what the stars hold for us.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:324 Seiten
Verlag:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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