The Billionaire's Mistress 2: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Billionaires's Mistress)

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Jal Lindstrom was the sort of man I'd vowed to avoid. Rich, white, and charming. But I'd still found myself attracted to him. When I managed to make it back from New York without breaking my promise, I'd thought it was all over. Then I realized who he was marrying. When Allie Dodds foolishly accepts Jal's offer to accompany him to a fundraiser, she knows that she's taking a risk. What she doesn't know is that the decision she makes that night will change everything for them both. Check out the second book in M.S. Parker's new sexy series, The Billionaire’s Mistress.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:88 Seiten
Verlag:Belmonte Publishing, LLC

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