Caught on Camera (Hollywood in Muskoka Book 1)

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Romantic Comedy: Rachel Lehmann, a chambermaid, is asked to stand in for a missing bridesmaid at a Hollywood wedding in Muskoka, Ontario.

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Caught on Camera is a New Adult romantic comedy with a playlist! To achieve her dream of working on Hollywood film sets, star struck chambermaid Rachel Lehmann needs $35,000 for film school tuition by the end of the summer. When she’s asked to fill in for a missing bridesmaid at a movie star’s wedding and pretend to be the bride's cousin, it’s her big chance to secretly take photos of celebrities and sell them to the entertainment media! Then Mickey, one of the groomsmen, sweeps her off her feet. Mickey McNichol, talent agent to the stars, believes everyone in show business is out for what they can get. When he falls hard for the bride’s "cousin", he thinks he’s finally met a beautiful woman he can trust. But if Rachel betrays the wedding party, Mickey will ensure she never works in Hollywood.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:193 Seiten
Verlag:McBride Publishing Group

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