The Spellbound Box Set
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**Click on the 'look inside' feature to see the introduction, introducing fantasy covers, blurbs, and book trailers** 7 thrilling stories in one volume 7 sexy heroes. 7 strong heroines. These works of fiction are from some of today's most exciting authors. A star-studded anthology of thrilling, action-packed and totally swoon-worthy first books by your favorite fantasy authors. The Light Keepers by Mande Matthews Crush by Chrissy Peebles Courage Runs Red by W.J. May Resounding Truth by Kate Thomas The Unseen Wonder (Novella) by Karin De Havin Betrothal by Mande Matthews Eternal Vows by Chrissy Peebles *** Some stories have been previously published. Some stories are novellas and some are full length. ***All stories are part one’s to other series*** As a courtesy, the authors inform you there are some stories with cliffhangers. These are the first books or prequels to individual series.