Donate to the Corona help fund
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I have event technicians in my immediate vicinity who were cancelled one event after the other due to the Corona crisis.
This means that these people lose their source of income, but the costs for rent etc. continue.
I have invented automatic trading robots that generate returns in every market situation.
These profits are realized immediately, i.e. I could pay out monthly money to people in need.
I talked to a company owner and offered him my robots, server space etc. for free if he starts a fund for affected event technicians. Unfortunately, he declined. This was the reason why I tried to raise the necessary capital through Crowdfunding.
The text copied above is from an attempt on Start-next, but it was rejected as a Corona help.
According to Startnext, I could start a general crowdfunding campaign, but this would be very expensive.
Now I have considered to open a Corona-emergency fund myself.
This means that these people lose their source of income, but the costs for rent etc. continue.
I have invented automatic trading robots that generate returns in every market situation.
These profits are realized immediately, i.e. I could pay out monthly money to people in need.
I talked to a company owner and offered him my robots, server space etc. for free if he starts a fund for affected event technicians. Unfortunately, he declined. This was the reason why I tried to raise the necessary capital through Crowdfunding.
The text copied above is from an attempt on Start-next, but it was rejected as a Corona help.
According to Startnext, I could start a general crowdfunding campaign, but this would be very expensive.
Now I have considered to open a Corona-emergency fund myself.