Marjorie Reynolds

 4 Sterne bei 3 Bewertungen
Autor*in von Der Sommer des Erwachens, For the Love of Ethan und weiteren Büchern.

Alle Bücher von Marjorie Reynolds

Cover des Buches Mein Freund Mystery (ISBN: 9783423702331)

Mein Freund Mystery

Erschienen am 01.03.1993
Cover des Buches For the Love of Ethan (ISBN: B071XJWNLD)

For the Love of Ethan

Erschienen am 18.07.2017
Cover des Buches Notruf aus dem All (ISBN: 9783505038761)

Notruf aus dem All

Erschienen am 01.01.1985

Neue Rezensionen zu Marjorie Reynolds

Cover des Buches For the Love of Ethan (ISBN: B071XJWNLD)

Rezension zu "For the Love of Ethan" von Marjorie Reynolds

Deeply moving
misspidervor 7 Jahren

This book is not an easy read, and you should keep a large box of tissues right next to it - especially if you are a parent.

When ten-year-old Ethan is diagnosed with a defective liver his family enters a nightmare. His only hope is a liver transplant, but his parents soon must learn that it is not as easy as this - with not enough organs available for every patient in need, Ethan is put on a very long waiting list. What follows are some very painful months, both physically and psychologically, for both child and parents. The book is told from the POV of Ethan's mother Delainie, and being a mother myself, it was impossible not to sympathize with her.

Reading how the family dealt with the slow and deadly deterioration of their son's health, unable to do anything about it, was no pleasure. More than once I wholeheartedly joined Delainie in thinking how unfair live can be, especially where children are concerned and we can only stand by, completely helpless. Embedded in the story where some shocking numbers and statistics about organ transplants, which are totally depressing and should make everyone enlist as an organ donor ASAP.

While some of the plot twists seemed a tad unlikely (or maybe I just wished for the story to head a different, easier way) the story never failed to deeply move me, and I hope I will never have to endure anything like it.

The writing was flawless and skilled, which had me finishing the book in no time. Thankfully, the author avoided to play on one's heart strings, as the story caused enough emotional overload on its own.

(Thanks to the author for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

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