The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona

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Where's the best place to go out on a Saturday night in Barcelona? What off-beat museums can be discovered after Sunday brunch (and where to have it)? Which locations offer the best viewpoints of the Catalan capital? What Gaudí buildings are essential? Where does Barcelona's modernism reach its zenith? Where to take the children? What's the best place to buy wine? And where do the locals hang out? The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona reveals hundreds of good-to-know addresses, avoiding the touristy places and pointing out the urban details you are likely to miss. Mark Cloostermans unlocks the various districts, pointing out historical details in the streets of the old town, taking you from green Montjuïc hill to the beach and back. The best places to eat halal, the must-visits for Barça fans and the various festivals you can plan your visit around: The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona reveals it all.

Mark Cloostermans (1977) studied English and Dutch literature before becoming a journalist and book critic for the Flemish newspaper De Standaard. In 2008, he visited Barcelona for the first time and instantly fell in love with the city’s vibe and colourfulness. He returned a year later and settled there in 2010. He lived in Barcelona for more than a decade, and continues to spend time in the city every chance he gets.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:Luster Publishing

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