In The Blood Of The Greeks (Intertwined Souls Series: Eva and Zoe Book 1)

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Wer über Fehler wie ausgelassene/im Satz vergessene Wörter hinwegsehen kann, wird mit einer zum Seufzen schönen wohlfühl Romanze belohnt.

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It's 1942 in German Occupied Greece during World War II, two women, one Greek, the other German must work together to help Jews escape. They have to put aside their mutual antipathy to each other to accomplish their clandestine operation. They know that one wrong move will put an end to their lives. Fourteen year old Zoe Lambros' faith in God is shattered after her mother's death at the hands of the German Commander. She determines to defy the enemy in every way she can--including a festering urge to kill the German Commander's daughter, Eva Muller. Eva Muller has a tortured past, and a secret, if revealed, will lead to certain death at the hands of her father. Despite knowing the risk, Eva is working with the village priest to help the Jews escape. With her activities closely observed, Eva needs help to continue the clandestine operation. Zoe is not who Eva has in mind but they have to find a way to work as a team. Awards: - Finalist: Fiction - Historical - Event/Era - 2015 Readers' Favorite - Finalist Gay/Lesbian Fiction - International Book Awards 2015 - Finalist First Novel - IAN (Independent Author Network) Book Of The Year Awards 2015 - Finalist Outstanding Historical Fiction - IAN (Independent Author Network) Book Of The Year Awards 2015


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:418 Seiten
Verlag:AUSXIP Publishing

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