Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series: Eva and Zoe Book 2)

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Rückblicke auf den ersten Band bremsen zwar zu Beginn den Lesefluss, aber Zoe und Eva geben weiterhin ein hinreissend romantisches Paar ab.

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Eva Muller and Zoe Lambros return in the second novel of the Intertwined Souls Series. Eva and Zoe migrate to Australia for refuge and a newlife at the end of World War II. They try to fit into a society marredby prejudice and must hide their love for each other. Eva struggles with the ramification of her tortured past as she tries to overcome themental constraints forced upon her. Zoe's dream of being an artist isjust a dream but Eva has a plan to make that happen even if meansworking at a menial job. Shadows from their past and machinations of old enemies plunge them into mortal danger. They are about to find out thehard way that moving thousands of miles away does not protect them fromthose that wish them harm. Awards: - Bronze Award Winner - Historical Romance 2015 Readers' Favorite Awards Amazon Categories * Historical Mystery * Historical Romance * Lesbian Fiction * Post War Australia


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:439 Seiten
Verlag:AUSXIP Publishing

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