[Humans: An A-Z] (By: Matt Haig) [published: January, 2015]

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Cover des Buches [Humans: An A-Z] (By: Matt Haig) [published: January, 2015] (ISBN: B00VXIYDTW)
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Vyannes avatar
vor 3 Jahren

Von lustig hin zu nachdenklich und berührend, wirklich vielschichtig.

Miki96s avatar
vor 4 Jahren

ein sehr bewegendes und emotionales Buch mit Tiefe

Auf der Suche nach deinem neuen Lieblingsbuch? Melde dich bei LovelyBooks an, entdecke neuen Lesestoff und aufregende Buchaktionen.


Do you: Know a human?; Love a human?; Have trouble dealing with humans? If you've answered yes to any of the above, this book is for you. Whether you are planning a high level of human interaction or just a casual visit to the planet, this user-guide to the human race will help you translate their sayings, understand exotic concepts such as 'democracy' and 'sofas', and make sense of their habits and bizarre customs. A phrase book, a dictionary and a survival guide, this book unravels all the oddness, idiosyncrasies and wonder of the species, allowing everyone to make the most of their time on Earth.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Verlag:Canongate Books Ltd

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4,3 Sterne
  • 5 Sterne12
  • 4 Sterne14
  • 3 Sterne2
  • 2 Sterne1
  • 1 Stern0


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