Mehran Salehpour
Autor*in von Never Human Again und The toad that never quite grew up....
Mehran Salehpour was born in Teheran, Iran in 1960. A Persian father and a German mother facilitated an insight into the arbitrariness of cultures. The first 9 years in school were involuntarily spent in seven different schools. O-Levels and A-Levels in England were complemented with a B. Sc. in physics from the University of Sussex. To his surprise, he received a Ph. D. in Nuclear/Ion Physics from the University of Uppsala, Sweden at the age of 25. He worked as a researcher in USA and Sweden and became an Associate Professor in Engineering Sciences from Uppsala University. He has published nearly 70 peer-reviewed papers in international scientific journals, including the highest ranked ones such as Nature and Science. He has also been awarded a prize from the European Physical Society for outstanding research. He took an eighteen-year sabbatical from the academic life and worked in the industry for over fifteen years as among others, Managing Director. He has also been known for very long lunches and taking a couple of years of vacations at a time. All his occupations so far seemed rather serious and he is currently trying to find something less sombre to do. He is married, has four children and lives in Sweden. Still
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Mehran Salehpour
Never Human Again
Erschienen am 20.09.2023
The toad that never quite grew up...
Erschienen am 18.09.2023
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