Enterprise: the Romulan WarBeneath the Raptor's Wing

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With nothing left to lose, the Romulan Star Empire declares all-out war against Earth, hoping to stop the human menace from spreading across the galaxy once and for all…
One hundred years before the era of Captain Kirk and Mr Spock, the first incarnation of the USS Enterprise journeys into space under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. Now, the voyages of the Starship Enterprise are about to lead her into the heart of a vital moment of Star Trek history -- the Earth-Romulan War. Every fan of classic Star Trek knows about this conflict, which is referred to in numerous television episodes and several feature films and is regarded as a pivotal driving force behind both Starfleet and the Federation. But the story of the war itself and the subsequent founding of the Federation has never been told in any format -- until now!


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:464 Seiten
Verlag:Pocket Books

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