Tutankhamun. A Short Guide to the Discovery and the Essential LiteratureUpdated 2024 edition

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Over 100 years of the discovery of Tutankhamun, a library full of specialist literature covering the topic? And you don't have the time or motivation to read dozens of books and even more specialised articles, some of which are difficult to research? This introductory book offers you the necessary basic information on the important aspects of Tutankhamun and his family and gives you the literature references for citations and a possible deepening of a topic.
The book is aimed at students, journalists and interested parties who are looking for the really important basic knowledge about Tutankhamun's life, his death, the discovery and the excavation team. In the book everything important is summarised briefly and to the point. In addition, there are the most important illustrations of the excavation, which one should know and the stories connected with them. A selected, updated bibliography of English, French and German specialist literature rounds off the book.
English, illustrations in black and white.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:156 Seiten

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