Beating Type 2 DiabetesNatural and Simple Methods to Reverse Diabetes for Good
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The huge and growing problem of type 2 diabetes already affects 10-20% of the population. Millions more are in the early stage of the disease (a condition called prediabetes) or are at high risk of developing it within five years. This book is designed to be a resource for people diagnosed with either diabetes or prediabetes.
Though there is a lot of information and advice about living with diabetes, there is very little information about how to minimize the risk of health complications or, more importantly, how to get rid of it for good. This single, reliable, evidence-based, high-quality resource includes everything there is to know about beating type 2 diabetes.
Beginning with a description of what type 2 diabetes is, how the condition is diagnosed, how it is treated, and how the condition is monitored and managed, the reader will gain a better understanding of the causes of type 2 diabetes, what the risk factors are, and why it is linked so strongly to being overweight or obese. Understanding type 2 diabetes means the reader is now equipped to reverse the diagnosis.
The author provides an effective weight-loss plan which uses sensible, varied, non-extreme dieting combined with enjoyable and exhilarating exercise that should kick diabetes into remission and improve overall health. The great thing about the diet part of the plan is that it does not require sticking with the same boring diet for week after week. Instead, the reader can use a variety of different, but equally effective, diets which can be changed weekly.
With this book, the reader can reverse their diagnosis and beat type 2 diabetes for good!
Though there is a lot of information and advice about living with diabetes, there is very little information about how to minimize the risk of health complications or, more importantly, how to get rid of it for good. This single, reliable, evidence-based, high-quality resource includes everything there is to know about beating type 2 diabetes.
Beginning with a description of what type 2 diabetes is, how the condition is diagnosed, how it is treated, and how the condition is monitored and managed, the reader will gain a better understanding of the causes of type 2 diabetes, what the risk factors are, and why it is linked so strongly to being overweight or obese. Understanding type 2 diabetes means the reader is now equipped to reverse the diagnosis.
The author provides an effective weight-loss plan which uses sensible, varied, non-extreme dieting combined with enjoyable and exhilarating exercise that should kick diabetes into remission and improve overall health. The great thing about the diet part of the plan is that it does not require sticking with the same boring diet for week after week. Instead, the reader can use a variety of different, but equally effective, diets which can be changed weekly.
With this book, the reader can reverse their diagnosis and beat type 2 diabetes for good!
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd.