Michiko Riezz
Autor*in von Be A Happier Form Of You.
I’m a visionary happiness builder with a lot of souls. I had a personal awakening at the age of 30 when my marriage was on the verge of Divorce. I then decided that I was only giving life according to my rules. So I set the rule book alight, quit my job as a counselor and started creating a life I was going to be in love with until I reached my last, dying breath. I’ve started 3 businesses and have failed at a 2 of them. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on self-development. I believe I’m a spiritual being having a very human experience. I like to team up with the Universe.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
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Be A Happier Form Of You
Erschienen am 26.09.2018
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