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Cover des Buches Her Dirty Bartenders (ISBN: 9781948369565)
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Rezension zu "Her Dirty Bartenders" von Mika Lane

melli.die.zahnfeevor 4 Jahren
sexy bartenders

Normally I don't do reverse harem stories. Not because I don't like the genre, but because many of the stories are too shallow, too fast and unbelievable, or simply too slippery.

In the fifth part of Mika Lane's Men at Work series, there are none of all the above-mentioned prejudices. The story builds up slowly and bit by bit, and all characters fit together very well. There is also a cute frame story. Getting to know each other is quite slow and it is just a lot of fun to read this book. In the beginning Stell was not very sympathetic to me, I am a little allergic to daughters from rich families who don't know what to do with their lives. But from the middle of the book on it got better, because she never had the chance to see what is important to her.
The men are all protective and of course very sexy. I would also volunteer to work in this bar. Smile.
Again Stell surprised me, she managed to work hard and prove herself.
The side protagonists are well integrated into the story and drive the story forward, even make it really exciting. Only the end could have been a bit more detailed. The erotic moments are quite subtle but beautiful for this kind of story. The book is never vulgar, but really great.
I will now definitely read the other parts as well.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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