Mohammed Al Ali


Mohammed Al Ali was born in Kahtania, Syria. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Al Furat University, in Deir ez-Zor, although his childhood ambition was to be the new Zorro. His experiences in the Syrian Civil War led him to discover a new career as a paramedic. Mohammed understands better than most what it means to suffer, and so he offers his kindness and strength to those whom he meets through his work, as well as assisting anyone in need of help whom he might encounter in his everyday life. His wartime experiences, and his long journey, have only strengthened his faith in God. Mohammed is the co-author and illustrator of this book. He now lives in Germany and still works as a paramedic. When he is not on duty, Mohammed is artistically active, enjoying photography, drawing, painting, and he has developed his own line of prints which he sells online: Having overcome his wartime fear of planes, he is currently studying to become a pilot, a long-cherished childhood dream. His biggest hope is to encourage peace among all people and all faiths.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Mohammed Al Ali

Cover des Buches Escape to Life (ISBN: 9783757806545)

Escape to Life

Erschienen am 01.06.2023

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