Closing the Water Gap: Leveraging Wastewater for Agricultural Intensification
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Musi River, which passes through the Hyderabad city is unique and characterizes the river basin into three large segments. In the upstream, it is a source of drinking water supply and at the Hyderabad city collects the wastewater discharges, and in the downstream, the collected wastewater is used for agriculture (Figure 1.1 and Figure S1.3). In the peri-urban systems of Hyderabad city, built-up areas such as villages and irrigated areas (wastewater and groundwater) co-exist together. The study area has a semi-arid climate with average annual rainfall of 750 mm and the rain events occur in the monsoon season between June to October (Figure 1.4). The mean annual temperature is about 27 °C, although during the summer months the maximum temperature can reach up to 47 °C.