Key Marketing Metrics

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Measure, manage and get the most out of your marketing.

Key Marketing Metrics is the definitive guide to today's most valuable marketing metrics. In this thoroughly updated and significantly expanded book, you will understand the pros, the cons and the nuances of more than 50 of the most important metrics, and know exactly how to choose the right one for every challenge.

With leading experts, discover how to build your reputation by:

  • Using marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and triangulate to optimal solutions
  • Applying high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing to maximise the return on your investment and identify the best new opportunities for profit
  • Building models to assist with planning to give you the best tools for decision-making

In its third edition, this award-winning book now includes the latest web, online, social, and email metrics, plus new insights into measuring marketing ROI and brand equity.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:496 Seiten
Verlag:Pearson Education Limited

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