The (sort of) Dark Mage (Waldo Rabbit Series)

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Cover des Buches The (sort of) Dark Mage (Waldo Rabbit Series) (ISBN: B00C8A543S)
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The story of a young man named Waldo who grows up in a world where monsters, the undead, and dark magic are a part of everyday life. He is forced to go on a journey to prove himself, and soon discovers that his beliefs don't fit into the wider world. This is a light fantasy that is heavy on the humor with some romance and action as well. It has mature themes and language and is aimed at an adult audience. It is filled with everything a fantasy reader would want; dark magic, betrayal, zombies, vampires, a journey of discovery, secret plots, beautiful big breasted women, and murderous flesh eating rabbits. Just kidding about the rabbits. I'm saving them for the sequel. Note: I have gone back and reedited as of 8-16-2013. Note: If you would like to sample some of my fiction writing free of charge (including the first five chapters of the next novel) you can visit here, If you are interested in trying my fanfiction go to, Though it being fanfiction the stories will be harder to follow if you are unfamiliar with the source material.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:495 Seiten

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