Underneath New Orleans
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Such an easy and fun read you almost miss how intensely crafted a piece of literature it is. A remarkable debut novel. -- Zachary Locklin Letty loves her job. Not only does Letty dig the work, her company takes it upon itself to subsidize her services for customers who can’t afford her. She’s smart, she’s strong, and she’s making a great living helping humanity. Letty is living the new American Dream... as a prostitute. The quirky kinky debut novel from Nick Laurrell, Underneath New Orleans is the story of a good woman doing an illegal thing for the right reasons. It’s an offbeat coming of age adventure but there’s something darker in there, too. Something mysterious. Something sinister. Set in mystical sticky New Orleans, at its heart, Underneath New Orleans is the story of a business, the oldest business, and the many people who have sex for money.