Murder Any Witch Way: A Brimstone Bay Mystery (Brimstone Bay Mysteries Book 1)
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Now, newly edited with fresh formatting and a brand new cover! When a young girl is found murdered, the sleepy town of Brimstone Bay is forced to wake up. But when the town begins to suspect the supernatural, all eyes turn to a journalist who has a secret of her own. When young witch River Halloway moves to sleepy Brimstone Bay for her very first journalist job, she doesn’t expect to cover anything ground-breaking. That is, until a paranormal festival comes to town and a body is found on opening night. Now, with all evidence pointing towards a witch, River must find the true killer before she becomes the prime suspect, or worse, the next murder victim. This is book 1 of the Brimstone Bay Mysteries series. If you're a fan of Amanda M. Lee, Juliette Harper, and Amy Boyles, then be sure to get your fill of magic, mystery, and murder with this cozy new paranormal mystery series.