Nicole Stewart

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Cover des Buches Hard Shelter: MMF Bisexual Romance (ISBN: B01M0ZX4SS)

Hard Shelter: MMF Bisexual Romance

Erschienen am 03.10.2016

Neue Rezensionen zu Nicole Stewart

Cover des Buches Hard Shelter: MMF Bisexual Romance (ISBN: B01M0ZX4SS)
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Rezension zu "Hard Shelter: MMF Bisexual Romance" von Nicole Stewart

A story about love and differences
Makariavor 8 Jahren

Beeing homeless is pretty much alined with hitting rock bottom. Luckily, for him and his art, Lochmann manages to find a space in a shelter. Kicked out by his parents for being gay, it surprises him not as much as it should  - that´s a bit confusing - to be attracted to a woman for the first time. Said woman being the shelter´s owner. 
Former actor Dax needs to make his way back into the spotlight, wanting to buy the shelter. Making shows there could be extremely promising for his business. 
Not to mention the hot owner of the shelter whom he wants nothing more from than business dealings. Only, both of them are very strongheaded and need an mediator. Which is where Loch comes in..

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