Need (English Edition)
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I've been in love with my father's best friend for my entire life.
When Ashton moved to London, it broke my heart. I was only fourteen, but I was in love.
I haven't seen him in four years.
But now my father is getting married and he's back.
And things have definitely changed.
My feelings haven't changed but I have. I'm not a scrawny little girl anymore.
I have thick hips and curves. Lots of them.
And once my father's best friend sees them, well, let's just say he becomes more caveman than best man.
He can't take his eyes off me during the ceremony.
He can't keep his hands off me during dinner.
And every chance he gets, he's pulling me into storage closets and kitchens and alleys to... celebrate.
I've always wanted Ashton to see me. Really see me.
And he has. OMG, he has.
But what am I going to do when this obsessive older man keeps saying he's going to steal me away and bring me back to London with him?
And what's my father going to do when he finds out?
Don't you love weddings? The flowers, the dresses, the crazed Over-The-Top best man dragging a bridesmaid down the aisle... Or, is that just in my filthy head???
Get ready for a possessive alpha hero who makes zero apologies for his obsession with his new love. Insta-love at its finest in a SAFE read with no cheating and a super sweet HEA guaranteed. Enjoy!
When Ashton moved to London, it broke my heart. I was only fourteen, but I was in love.
I haven't seen him in four years.
But now my father is getting married and he's back.
And things have definitely changed.
My feelings haven't changed but I have. I'm not a scrawny little girl anymore.
I have thick hips and curves. Lots of them.
And once my father's best friend sees them, well, let's just say he becomes more caveman than best man.
He can't take his eyes off me during the ceremony.
He can't keep his hands off me during dinner.
And every chance he gets, he's pulling me into storage closets and kitchens and alleys to... celebrate.
I've always wanted Ashton to see me. Really see me.
And he has. OMG, he has.
But what am I going to do when this obsessive older man keeps saying he's going to steal me away and bring me back to London with him?
And what's my father going to do when he finds out?
Don't you love weddings? The flowers, the dresses, the crazed Over-The-Top best man dragging a bridesmaid down the aisle... Or, is that just in my filthy head???
Get ready for a possessive alpha hero who makes zero apologies for his obsession with his new love. Insta-love at its finest in a SAFE read with no cheating and a super sweet HEA guaranteed. Enjoy!