Osvaldo Patrizzi


Osvaldo Patrizzi has held a long fascination with horology. He served as an apprentice watchmaker in Milan from 1965-1973, before being employed as a restorer of antique watches. He went on to become an Expert of the italian Association of Antique Horology Dealers and a consultant for the Swiss Custom. He founded the Galerie d’Horlogerie Ancienne, which became Antiquorum in 1981. In 2007, he founded PATRIZZI & CO. AUCTIONEERS. Across the course of his long and illustrious career, Patrizzi has been responsible for selling over 75% of all the watches ever sold for over one million dollars. His ‘Grading System’ is the most reliable way for collectors to gauge the condition of their prospective investments. Published 1st Nov 2021

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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