The Dark Gate (Mills & Boon Intrigue) (The Esri, Book 1)

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Larsen Vale has a secret: she sees things. Terrible things. Deadly things. And her latest vision features a strange albino man…and her own death. Haunted and afraid, she trusts no one, not even the handsome cop who seems fascinated with her. Washington, D.C., detective Jack Hallihan has one mission: find the man who is assaulting young women. But the police have no clues, no leads and no witnesses. And Jack has a deadly secret of his own–a secret Larsen holds the key to. Time is running out. If Larsen and Jack can't learn to trust their attraction to each other, the Gate will be opened–and the world will be forever changed….


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:288 Seiten
Verlag:Mills & Boon Intrigue

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