Paul Vidich

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Autor*in von The Coldest Warrior, An Honorable Man und weiteren Büchern.

Alle Bücher von Paul Vidich

Cover des Buches An Honorable Man (ISBN: 9781501110382)

An Honorable Man

Erschienen am 12.04.2016
Cover des Buches The Coldest Warrior (ISBN: 9780857303332)

The Coldest Warrior

Erschienen am 27.02.2020
Cover des Buches The Matchmaker (ISBN: B09QT7Q79W)

The Matchmaker

Erschienen am 03.02.2022

Neue Rezensionen zu Paul Vidich

Cover des Buches The Coldest Warrior (ISBN: 9780857303332)
miss_mesmerizeds avatar

Rezension zu "The Coldest Warrior" von Paul Vidich

miss_mesmerizedvor 5 Jahren
Paul Vidich - The Coldest Warrior

1953 – the Korean War has ended, but the Cold War emerges and the intelligence services’ nerves are frayed. When CIA officer Dr Charles Wilson dies under blurry circumstances, all information is closed down immediately. It will take twenty-two years until his death gets the attention it deserves. He “jumped or fell” from the ninth floor of a Washington hotel and his family is now demanding answers. Jack Gabriel, an old friend of Wilson’s, also an agent himself, starts digging and the deeper he gets, the more coincidental deaths among key witnesses this cases produces. Somebody tries to hide something and Gabriel soon has to ask himself how much he is willing to risk for the truth.

Paul Vidich narrates a fictional story based on the real events of the mysterious death of Frank Olson, CIA employee and biological warfare expert. The author has seen himself what the agency’s policy of secretiveness can do to a family: Olson was his uncle and he could witness the family’s grief at close range.

“That was the story of the Agency then. We could do whatever we wanted because we were fighting the Soviet Union.”

The CIA killed its own men if need be. What sounds like the plot of a superb spy novel today, was a reality back then. As Vidich recalls, raising the subject at family reunions was a taboo, even though somebody suffered a terrible injustice, everybody remained silent and thus approved of the methods. Reading about the disclosure of Wilson’s/ Olson’s murder makes you oscillate between fascination and abhorrence. A lot has been revealed about the dark sides of espionage and spying, nevertheless, I am still stunned each time I read about how ruthless the business can be and how little a human life counts. 

It is remarkable how Vidich manages to transport the story in an entertaining way even though he is that close to the case. A fast paced read that gives much more insight than you could ever wish for. 

Cover des Buches An Honorable Man (ISBN: 9781501110382)
miss_mesmerizeds avatar

Rezension zu "An Honorable Man" von Paul Vidich

miss_mesmerizedvor 9 Jahren
Paul Vidich - An Honorable Man

Washington, early 1950s. The Cold War is just about to reach its climax, when the agencies and their spies dominate politics. George Mueller works for the CIA and tries to establish the link to a Soviet agent, something he already did in the post-war Europe. That time, something went wrong and now again, there must be someone informing the enemy. Mueller is on his own, a tricky mission with a lot at stake.

A classic espionage novel in the style of Jon le Carrés stories which revives the era of the two opposing blocks when agents and double agents had control and nobody knew whom to trust. Here too, we are with the protagonist who is surrounded by old friends and suspicious colleagues and never knows if he does not rely on the wrong person. The antagonism of the spy who feels bound to his country and, on the other hand, also just wishes to lead a decent life with his family, is the strongest part of this novel. The impossibility of uniting both and being endangered constantly keep the story at any moment on a thrilling walk on a tightrope.  

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