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Gaby thought her life couldn't get more complicated. She was wrong. She's not the teenage backpacker she thought she was. She is one of the Rephaim, descended from fallen angels. The brother she thought she'd lost is alive. And now Rafa - sexy, infuriating Rafa - is being held, and hurt, by the demons who want to get to her. Now Gaby needs the bitterly divided Rephaim to work together, or Rafa has no chance at all. It's a race against time. And it may already be too late. If you loved Becca Fitzpatrick's HUSH, HUSH, this is the perfect book for you.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:400 Seiten
Verlag:Orion Publishing Co
Teil 3 der Reihe "The Rephaim"