Executive Privilege

Cover des Buches Executive Privilege (ISBN: 9780061236228)
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When private detective Dana Cutler is hired by an attorney with powerful political connections, the assignment seems simple enough: follow a pretty college student name Charlotte Walsh and report on where she goes and who she sees. Then the unexpected happens. One night, Cutler follows Walsh to a secret meeting with the President of the United States. The following morning, Walshs dead body shows up and Cutler has to run for her life to protect what she knows and what shes about to find out. In Oregon, Brad Miller, a junior associate in a huge law firm, is working on the appeal of a convicted serial killer, Clarence Little, who claims he was framed for the murder of a teenager who, at the time of her death, worked for the former Governor. That governor is now the President. Suddenly a small time private eye and a fledgling lawyer find themselves in possession of evidence that suggests that the President of the United States is a serial murderer. Their only problem is staying alive long enough to prove it.


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Umfang:480 Seiten

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