Pia Brandt Danborg


Pia Brandt Danborg have chosen to work part-time to have the time to share her words with the world. May they find you well. Pia is the mother of two teenagers. Their experiences and stories about their everyday life with school, friends and so on, combined with her own lived life, has inspired her to write several books to question the way we do things out of pure habit and to suggest new approaches to our way of thinking and doing. It is all about sharing love.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Pia Brandt Danborg

Cover des Buches Love to you (ISBN: 9788743027782)

Love to you

Erschienen am 07.09.2020
Cover des Buches The little book about love (ISBN: 9788743057901)

The little book about love

Erschienen am 15.10.2024

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