Die verlorengegangene Grossmutter (in Arabisch)aljddt almafquda
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Solis lives with his wise grandmother in an intimate
connection with all animals and plants. He learns everything about the world from her, for example, what is the evening of the year? And what does the night of the year do to people?
One day, Solis unintentionally embarks on a long journey that leads him into the unknown. Will he re-turn unharmed? And can a white dove help him? What is with the mysterious berries that Solis finds in the forest? Does his grandmother's disappearance have anything to do with it?
A fairy tale for adults and children!
connection with all animals and plants. He learns everything about the world from her, for example, what is the evening of the year? And what does the night of the year do to people?
One day, Solis unintentionally embarks on a long journey that leads him into the unknown. Will he re-turn unharmed? And can a white dove help him? What is with the mysterious berries that Solis finds in the forest? Does his grandmother's disappearance have anything to do with it?
A fairy tale for adults and children!