The Riddle of Sphinx Island: An Antonia Darcy and Major Payne Mystery

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Detective story writer Antonia Darcy and her husband Hugh Payne are asked to travel to Devon in order to prevent a murder on Sphinx Island, but they are far from enthusiastic as they suspect an elaborate joke. And when they hear that one of the house party guests is Romaine Garrison-Gore, another crime writer, they have no doubt that they will walk into a rather tedious variant of the Murder Weekend. After all, it is their tenth wedding anniversary and Major Payne's aunt, Lady Grylles, has been trying to think of a truly original present for them... But then they receive a rather sinister letter signed 'The Riddler' and become curious... could the devil speak true?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:The Mystery Press

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