Dirty Delilah (English Edition)

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Wie immer bei R.G. Alexander: sehr sexy!

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From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author RG Alexander

Previously published in the New York Times Bestselling - Riding Desire Anthology.

Caught between an old crush and a new attraction is exactly where she wants to be.

Delilah Dean has come a long way from the grease-covered tomboy who worked at her family’s motorcycle shop. The last thing the successful businesswoman wants is a trip back to Northern California to face Asa Wilder, the sexy, tattooed bad boy who crushed her naïve fantasies, and Sebastian Kosta, an engineer with a killer body and a passion for speed. But business comes first.

When the two men stop competing for the shop and start vying for Delilah’s body—and her heart—negotiations get hot and heavy fast enough to make her head spin. But can she trust that she’s the prize they’re fighting for?

Finding out will be one wild, dirty ride.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:145 Seiten

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