R.K. Lilley

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Cover des Buches Mr. Beautiful: Volume 4 (Up in the Air) (ISBN: 9781628780178)
Lonechastesouls avatar

Rezension zu "Mr. Beautiful: Volume 4 (Up in the Air)" von R.K. Lilley

Up in the Air #4.
Lonechastesoulvor 7 Jahren

The real romance in life didn’t come in that first sweet taste of love, as profound and life changing as it was. There was love then, yes. Obsession, passion, infatuation. All of that and more.
But the true romance came from the slow lapse of time, the inexorable passing of days, weeks, months, years decades.
I’d hold onto her with the last breath in my body.

Mr. Beautiful takes us to James mind, while we remember the most important marks of their relationship and its evolution after “the accident”. We get to see more of Stephens love story and it is pretty amazing. I loved how this felt like a giant epilogue and if you loved this series, you can’t miss this one.

If you're hoping for a solid story that takes place after the events of the original trilogy, you're not likely to get one here. This novella was running different stories simultaneously and to put it mildly, all over the place. It alternated between past/present POVs and also concurrently alternating between James and Stephan for a good majority of the book.

And turns out, the actual story for James (aka Mr Beautiful) ended at 66%. The remaining 34% were pretty much bonus POVs/teaser chaps from Tristan/Frankie/Akira/Lourdes and some retelling of the original trilogy in James's POV.

The ending really pushed up the rating by a full star. What a brilliant series. I couldn't get enough of James. Boy did he worship the ground Bianca walked on. The love and adoration this man has for Bianca is beautiful. Stephan, Bianca and even James overcome so many hurdles in their lives growing up and they've managed to become such truly exceptional people.

While the Up in the Air books do finish beautifully, I’m really pleased that I read this book. It’s a beautiful way to round out and finish the series, and a true celebration of the relationships that feature in the story.

I highly recommend the Up In The Air series!

Cover des Buches Grounded: Volume 3 (Up In The Air) (ISBN: 9780615765679)
Lonechastesouls avatar

Rezension zu "Grounded: Volume 3 (Up In The Air)" von R.K. Lilley

Up in the Air #3.
Lonechastesoulvor 7 Jahren

“You are more precious to me than my own life, by far. It’s not even a question. I would do anything for you.“

Grounded by R. K. Lilley was the PERFECT conclusion to what is now one of my favorite series ever. The story in this one picks up literally RIGHT where the previous book left off so there’s no time jump or anything.

In this conclusion to the Up in the Air series, you get some heart-fluttering romance mixed in with a lot of kink James Cavendish style.  Bianca and James finally begin to overcome the many road blocks that stand in the way of their forever. They grow stronger and their love grows deeper. Both these two characters will own your heart and this book will take your breath away. I literally experienced such a plethora of emotions while reading this final installment. I experienced happy tears, WTH moments, overwhelming sadness and shock and content sighs.

Grounded is the beautiful conclusion to this lovely series and we finally see James and Bianca get their HEA. It’s a book filled with romance, possessiveness, steamy scenes, anguish and love. I was enthralled from the first page and am so sad to see this series come to an end. Thank you R. K. Lilley for an amazing series that will hold my heart for years to come.

Cover des Buches Mile High: Volume 2 (Up In The Air) (ISBN: 9780615752174)
Lonechastesouls avatar

Rezension zu "Mile High: Volume 2 (Up In The Air)" von R.K. Lilley

Up in the Air #2.
Lonechastesoulvor 7 Jahren

“You’re my angel, Bianca. You’ve exorcised my demons. I don’t have nightmares when I’m with you. I don’t have to work seventy hour work weeks to keep my mind distracted. My life has become more than work and emotionless affairs. You make me a better man.”

After finishing book 1, In Flight, I just had to keep reading so I fell right into this book. Its rare that I find a sequel surpass the first book, but I can honestly say that this one did. I reeeeally liked book 1, but I just loved this one.

It starts out about a month after the ending events of book 1 and continues to tell the hot, romantic, kinky, sweet, thrilling love story between James and Bianca as they figure out their feelings, work through their issues and insecurities and learn to trust each other. I don’t want to say anything about the plot. Suffice it to say that it was awesome and I loved it.

I LOVE JAMES CAVENDISH... even more in this book than the last! Not only is he still a hot dominate, he was so swoony in this book! He may have a rocky past, but he is always honest about it and I love him for that. He is alpha sexy, generous, kind and really, could he be anymore perfect.

Some of my new favorite books! If you haven't read these books, you need to.

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