Urteil und Erfahrung. Tl.1Kants Theorie der Erfahrung. Erster Teil

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This study shows the inner workings of Immanuel Kant´s Theory of Experience. Kant investigated what the cognitive necessities are for humans to make objective and true judgments, so-called empirical judgments. He asks why such judgments can be objectively true even though they are based on a subjective and relative basis. In this volume the author follows Kant´s methodological path to his final goal: determining the complex deep structures behind simple empirical judgments, such as “The sun is warming the rock,” and showing the extent to which the objective truthfulness of such judgments depends on these deep structures. This is the first of two volumes on Kant´s Theory of Experience.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:295 Seiten
Verlag:Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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