Alpha's War: a BAD Alpha Dad Romance (Bad Boy Alphas Book 7) (English Edition)
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I’ve survived suicide missions in war zones. Shifter prison labs. The worst torture imaginable. Nothing knocked me off my feet... until the beautiful lioness they threw in my cage. We shared one night before our captors ripped us apart.
Now I’m free, and my lion is going insane. He’ll destroy me from the inside out if I don’t find my mate.
I don’t know who she is. I don’t know where she lives. All I have is a video of her. But I’ll die if I don’t find her, and make her mine.
I’m coming for you, Denali.
They took me from my home, they killed my pride, they locked me up and forced me to breed. They took everything from me and still I survived.
But one night with a lion shifter destroyed me. Nash took the one thing my captors couldn’t touch—my heart.
Somehow I escaped, and live in fear that they will come for me. It’s killing my lioness, but I’ve got to hide--even from Nash. I’ve got to protect the one thing I have left to lose.
Our cub.
I’ve survived suicide missions in war zones. Shifter prison labs. The worst torture imaginable. Nothing knocked me off my feet... until the beautiful lioness they threw in my cage. We shared one night before our captors ripped us apart.
Now I’m free, and my lion is going insane. He’ll destroy me from the inside out if I don’t find my mate.
I don’t know who she is. I don’t know where she lives. All I have is a video of her. But I’ll die if I don’t find her, and make her mine.
I’m coming for you, Denali.
They took me from my home, they killed my pride, they locked me up and forced me to breed. They took everything from me and still I survived.
But one night with a lion shifter destroyed me. Nash took the one thing my captors couldn’t touch—my heart.
Somehow I escaped, and live in fear that they will come for me. It’s killing my lioness, but I’ve got to hide--even from Nash. I’ve got to protect the one thing I have left to lose.
Our cub.