Rick R. Reed

 3,8 Sterne bei 10 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Rick R. Reed

Cover des Buches Die Liebe und der Mut zum Leben (ISBN: 9781635338553)

Die Liebe und der Mut zum Leben

Erschienen am 02.05.2017
Cover des Buches Die Liebe und der Mut zur Wahrheit (ISBN: 9781644051627)

Die Liebe und der Mut zur Wahrheit

Erschienen am 13.11.2018
Cover des Buches Ein Assistent zum Verlieben (BELOVED) (ISBN: 9783958231276)

Ein Assistent zum Verlieben (BELOVED)

Erschienen am 28.02.2018
Cover des Buches Ein Himmel voller Geheimnisse (ISBN: 9781640809550)

Ein Himmel voller Geheimnisse

Erschienen am 14.08.2018
Cover des Buches Seaspray (English Edition) (ISBN: B0B4KTWBNB)

Seaspray (English Edition)

Erschienen am 12.07.2022
Cover des Buches Unraveling (ISBN: 9781951880170)


Erschienen am 07.01.2020

Neue Rezensionen zu Rick R. Reed

Cover des Buches Silence of the Missing: A gripping psychological crime thriller novel (English Edition) (ISBN: B0C4M7TKQV)
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Rezension zu "Silence of the Missing: A gripping psychological crime thriller novel (English Edition)" von Rick R. Reed

Silence of the Missing: A gripping psychological crime thriller novel (English Edition)
silvandyvor 5 Monaten

🎧 Audiobook Review 🎧
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️️
Performance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️️⭐️️
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️️⭐️

The mystery case is excitingly told. Sammy's best friend Jeb disappeared without a trace at the age of 13, and now, years later, Sam's husband Marc has also disappeared.
The story is told alternately in the present and the past from Sam's point of view.
It took me a while to get into the story, but the more I listened, the more the story captivated me.
There are some unexpected twists and turns and yes I did try to guess what happened and my suspicions were close to being solved. But not quite, the author did a good job.
I found the story exciting and entertaining with interesting protagonists.
David Allen Vargo gave a great performance. I could always tell the different protagonists apart as he chose very different voices. He also used appropriate background noises to accompany the narration, which made the audiobook feel very lively.

Cover des Buches Husband Hunters (ISBN: B0CXBZXKSJ)
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Rezension zu "Husband Hunters" von Rick R. Reed

Husband Hunters
silvandyvor 6 Monaten

 🎧 Audiobook Review 🎧
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Performance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️️⭐️️
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Rick R. Reed has a wonderful writing style and I thought "Hunsband Hunters" was clever and funny.
It's about friends to lovers. Cody is clueless about how Matt feels about him and so Matt suggests that they both apply to be on a reality show. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned and I liked the twists and turns because some of them were unexpected. I liked the structure of the story in general, it was something different and I enjoyed listening to Matt and Cody's story.
There is also hurt/comfort and one of the main characters has a bit of a lack of self-esteem. But I think it's good when main characters aren't perfect but also show weaknesses. As well as not-so-nice side characters, there were also totally likeable side characters.

I'm really impressed with Wesley Landry's narration, who I didn't know as a narrator before. Wesley Landry has a very pleasant voice and he conveyed the emotions well as well as the humor that is in this story. I enjoyed his narration.

Cover des Buches Seaspray (English Edition) (ISBN: B0B4KTWBNB)
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Rezension zu "Seaspray (English Edition)" von Rick R. Reed

Seaspray (English Edition)
silvandyvor 2 Jahren

🎧Audiobook Review🎧
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Performance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I liked the writing style and the story was original. I was captivated by the narrative fairly quickly. Winslow is stuck in an abusive relationship with Chad. Chad has had a messy childhood and really didn't want to be who he is. And at some point, Winslow decides to leave, because he's had enough of Chad. Only he didn't reckon with Chad. And there's the likable boy Darren, whom Winslow met in a bar and who has his own problems. The domestic violence and drug problems were realistically portrayed and I was able to quickly empathize with the protagonists. And if you're into a little magical realism, you'll like this story just fine. I suspected what it was about fairly quickly, but I don't want to give too much away at this point. 

David Allen Vargo did an excellent job, he deserves 5 stars. He brought the characters to life and gave each character an appropriate voice. I generally like sound effects in an audio book, but this was a bit too much for me. I like it when music is played briefly, that wasn't my problem. But there were passages where the music was played while the narrator read aloud. Unfortunately, I could not concentrate at these points at all, because I either listen to music or an audio book. Too bad, therefore one star less. The idea was good, but I did not like the implementation quite as much. 

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