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He's no fairy tale king.
Here, little princess. I'm your king.
You have three rules.
Bow. Break. Bend the knee.
Fight me all you want, but soon enough, you'll be chanting long live the king.
One day I'm Royal Elite School's small fly, the next I'm hunted and left to die.
He doesn't only shred my life to parts, but he's also coming after my heart.
He thinks he broke me, but the new princess will bring the king to his knees.
Here, little princess. I'm your king.
You have three rules.
Bow. Break. Bend the knee.
Fight me all you want, but soon enough, you'll be chanting long live the king.
One day I'm Royal Elite School's small fly, the next I'm hunted and left to die.
He doesn't only shred my life to parts, but he's also coming after my heart.
He thinks he broke me, but the new princess will bring the king to his knees.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:360 Seiten
Verlag:Blackthorn Books, LLC
Teil 1 der Reihe "Royal Elite"
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