Buchreihe: Kingdom Duet von Rina Kent

 5 Sterne bei 4 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher in chronologischer Reihenfolge

2 Bücher
  1. Band 1: Reign of a King (English Edition)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 29.10.2020
    Nothing is fair in war.

    Jonathan King is every bit his last name.
    Powerful. Untouchable. Corrupted.
    He’s also my dead sister’s husband and way older than me.
    When I first met him as a clueless child, I thought he was a god.
    Now, I have to confront that god to protect my business from his ruthless grip.
    Little did I know that declaring a war on the king will cost me everything.
    When Jonathan covets something, he doesn’t only win, he conquers.
    Now, he has his sights on me.
    He wants to consume not only my body, but also my heart and my soul.
    I fight, but there’s no escaping the king in his kingdom...
  2. Band 2: Rise of a Queen (English Edition)

    Erscheinungsdatum: 19.11.2020
    Nothing is fair in love.

    This is my kingdom. My territory.
    I own everything and control everyone, Aurora included.
    She shouldn’t have barged into my world with no armour.
    She shouldn’t have caught my attention with no warning.
    Alas, she did.
    Then she thought she could disappear.
    If a battle is what it’ll take to protect and own her, I’ll shed blood.
    Wars aren’t fair, and neither am I.
Über Rina Kent
Rina Kent ist eine USA Today-, internationale und Nr. 1 Amazon-Bestsellerautorin, die sich auf Enemies-to-Lovers-Romantik spezialisiert hat. Sie ist bekannt ...
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