Robert A. Goehlich
Autor*in von Textbook of Space Tourism (2nd Edition).
Robert A. Goehlich studied Aerospace Engineering and received his doctoral degree in Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) in 2003 at the Technical University Berlin. Goehlich created and lectured the world's first "Space Tourism" master's and Ph.D. courses as a visiting professor at Keio University (Yokohama, Japan) from 2003 to 2005. Since 2006 he has developed or managed various projects at a leading aerospace company. In 2008, he received his doctoral degree in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) at the European Business School (Oestrich-Winkel, Germany). Since 2009 Goehlich has been an adjunct assistant professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Berlin campus.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Robert A. Goehlich
Textbook of Space Tourism (2nd Edition)
Erschienen am 20.12.2015
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