Rozz Williams


Rozz Williams (born Roger Alan Painter; November 6, 1963 – April 1, 1998) was a singer/songwriter, musician, painter, filmmaker, collage/assemblage artist and poet. He is widely regarded for his work with the bands Christian Death, Shadow Project and Premature Ejaculation. Christian Death is frequently hailed as one of the creators of the goth/deathrock scene. Williams also formed the bands Daucus Karota and Heltir, and played bass for the band EXP. In addition, he released two spoken word albums, Every King a Bastard Son and The Whorse’s Mouth (which he co-wrote with Ryan Wildstar). Before he died of suicide on April 1st, 1998, Rozz Williams bequeathed his writing to his friend and roommate Ryan Wildstar to publish in the event of his death. This publication of And What About the Bells? marks the 25th anniversary of Rozz Williams’s untimely passing.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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Cover des Buches And What About The Bells? (ISBN: 9783946643197)

And What About The Bells?

Erschienen am 13.06.2023

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