Barbarian's Lady (Ice Planet Barbarians 13)A SciFi Alien Romance
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Very cute read
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You'd think a tall woman would fit in on a planet of seven-foot-tall aliens, but even on the ice planet, I'm still a weirdo and an oddity. I'm everything all the other cute, dainty human women aren't.
One guy in particular - the alien Harrec - is determined to embarrass me by pretending he's interested. He's a jokester that flirts like mad and hits on me constantly just to make me feel foolish. He gets under my skin. He makes me so frustrated I want to scream.
When a side-trip to a glacier turns into a nightmare and the two of us are forced to survive alone, I see another side to the enticing blue alien. Even with no one else around, his compliments keep coming and I start wondering if the attraction between real.
One guy in particular - the alien Harrec - is determined to embarrass me by pretending he's interested. He's a jokester that flirts like mad and hits on me constantly just to make me feel foolish. He gets under my skin. He makes me so frustrated I want to scream.
When a side-trip to a glacier turns into a nightmare and the two of us are forced to survive alone, I see another side to the enticing blue alien. Even with no one else around, his compliments keep coming and I start wondering if the attraction between real.
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Umfang:217 Seiten
Verlag:Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Teil 13 der Reihe "Ice Planet Barbarians (English Edition)"