Ruesch Anton
Autor*in von Stories from Gstaad und Gstaader Geschichten.
Born in Gstaad in 1935, Anton Ruesch grew up and attended primary and secondary school there. At the age of 19 he emigrated to the US, where joined the Air Force and served for two years at a NATO radar station in Iceland as an air radio operator. Having returned to Switzerland, his career path led from Swissair to El Al Israel Airlines. After a short period with BKW Energy in Gstaad, he spent the next 15 years in the automobile business as an advertising assistant and area manager with General Motors, and as PR manager at Mitsubishi. Finally he worked in sales in the medical division of Johnson & Johnson. Anton Ruesch is married, lives in Nidau and his interests include cycling, tennis, antiques, modern architecture, music, literature and painting.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Ruesch Anton
Gstaader Geschichten
Erschienen am 01.09.2023
Stories from Gstaad
Erschienen am 01.09.2023
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